Board of Directors
Fort Drum Regional Health Planning’s Board of Directors is comprised of people employed by organizations across the healthcare continuum. They serve in high-level roles that uniquely position them to quickly implement decisions positively affecting the military-civilian healthcare model. This includes MEDDAC Command, whose participation is critical to the organization’s core mission.
Executive Committee
CHAIR: Tom Carman, CEO, Samaritan Medical Center
VICE CHAIR: Richard Duvall, CEO, Carthage Area Hosptial & Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center
EX-OFFICIO: COL Christina Buchner, Commander - USA MEDDAC - Fort Drum
SECRETARY: Jim Wright, representative, Advocate Drum
TREASURER: Dale Klock, President, Carthage Federal Savings and Loan, Board Member of Carthage Area Hospital
EX-OFFICIO: Erika Flint, Executive Director, FDRHPO
Jerry Cayer, CEO, Lewis County Health Systems
Joey Marie Horton, CEO, North Country Family Health Center
Stephen Jennings, Director of Public Health, Jefferson County Public Health Service
Richard Kazel, Syracuse Medical VA Care Line Manager, Syracuse VA Medical Center (Ex-officio)
Dr. Steve Lyndaker, Medical Director, FDRHPO (Ex-officio)
Kelley Tiernan, CEO, River Hospital
Donna McGregor, President, St. Lawrence Health & Gouverneur Hospital
Richard Merchant, CEO, Northern Area Health Education Center
Tim Ruetten, Director, Jefferson County Community Services
Deb Singleton, Chair, REMSCO
Dierdra Sorrell, CEO, Clifton-Fine Hospital
COL Evelyn Vento, Deputy Commander Clinical Services, USA MEDDAC - Fort Drum (Ex-officio)
Timothy Virkler, Board Member, Samaritan Medical Center, and Court Attorney, Jefferson County Surragate's Court
Daniel Dupee II, PhD, President, Jefferson Community College
Josiree Ochotorena, M.D., FAAP, Child and Adolescent Health