The MATTERS Network is a collection of resources to initiate care, increase access to medication, and efficiently link individuals to appropriate treatment - all without making a single phone call. It utilizes a rapid referral platform to efficiently refer individuals with opioid use disorder to community-based, high-quality treatment organizations.
Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization has partnered with MATTERS to provide training and MATTERS kits to Opioid Overdose Prevention Programs in the North Country.

MATTERS Telemedicine
MATTERS partners with various telemedicine agencies to provide rapid evaluations and linkage to treatment for individuals with substance use disorder. Individuals may also choose to follow up for care virtually at their time of referral.
These leave behind "Why Telemedicine" and "Telemedicine Guide" cards are downloadable and available through FDRHPO or can be printed by your organization. Click on each image for the downloadable file or contact paperwork@fdrhpo.org.

Training and Resources

FDRHPO EMS Agency has partnered with the MATTERS Program to bring training and resources involving opioid addiction to the North Country. This program provides the training needed to safely administer Naloxone (Narcan) as well as free fentanyl test strips, xylazine test strips, and Narcan. By signing up for this program agencies and organizations can refer patients to facilities and hospital sites that specialize in addiction treatment.
The MATTERS platform has resulted in 21 unique referrals year to date in the North Country region, which encompasses our tri-county region in addition to the Adirondacks region. This compares to two referrals in 2023. Network partners continue to be onboarded to include a total of 7 peer organizations (1 in 2023), one independent pharmacy (0 in 2023), 8 treatment sites (1 in 2023), 24 referral sites (12 in 2023), and soon to be 8 hospital sites (1 in 2023).
For more information on the program or online training available through the FDRHPO EMS Online Learning Management System, call
315-755-2020 or email paperwork@fdrhpo.org.