Twice a year, FDRHPO partners with local hospitals and educational institutions to offer its Medical Academy of Science and Health Camp — better known as “MASH” Camp.

MASH Camp is a unique opportunity for students entering grades 8-12 to experience the healthcare world in an interactive way. It provides an opportunity for students to take advantage of and experience the field of healthcare and start their educational pathway in pursuit of a degree.
By participating in interactive, hands-on activities that highlight various career opportunities, students learn about the educational requirements, skills, typical job duties and personal qualities of specific health professionals. Involvement in MASH Camp will also increase student awareness and understanding of the hospital setting and structure. Additionally, this program provides students the opportunity to network with healthcare professionals in their community, thus building long-term mentoring relationships.
The 3-day sessions (summer) and 2-day sessions (winter) will help answer questions and provide students with a path to explore their options thoroughly. Regardless of the hospital placement, each day is different, providing interesting and thought-provoking exercises and real-life activities and experiences.
Winter MASH Camp Student at Carthage Area Hospital
I really enjoyed MASH Camp. I think that the hospital environment is amazing and the people really are educated in their jobs. This experience really allowed me to learn about other medical jobs and more about myself.
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