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The Mountain Lakes Regional Emergency Medical Services Council (REMSCO) carries out its responsibilities pursuant to Article 30 of the New York State Public Health Law and Part 800 of the NYS CCRR. This Council, comprised of 20 members, has representation from: out-of-hospital emergency medical care providers from the fire service; community volunteers, not-for-profit and commercial ambulance service sectors; physicians; nurses; health planning agencies; hospitals; police services; county government; the business community; and other constituencies promoting good health. By statute, the Council is charged with several responsibilities including coordination of emergency medical services in the Mountain Lakes Region.


The Regional Emergency Medical Advisory Committees (REMAC) is charged with developing policies, procedures, and triage, treatment, and transportation protocols that are consistent with the standards of the state emergency medical advisory committee and which address specific local conditions. Quality assurance initiatives and the overall clinical operation of the Mountain Lakes Emergency Medical Services System are also among the primary goals of the REMAC.


Mountain Lakes REMAC Membership

Dr. Tiffany Bombard- Chair

Dr. John Broderick

Dr. Madison Daly

Dr. Michael D'Urso

Dr. Molly Furin

Dr. Douglas George

Dr. Doug Girling

Dr. Ben Katz

Dr. Frederic Laporte

Dr. Laura Mulvey

Dr. Michael Pond

Dr. Tom Williams

Patricia Bashaw - ALS

Tammy Trombley - BLS

Past Meetings

To view all current and past meetings, please click on the link to the FDRHPO EMS Progam Agency YouTube Channel 

CON Application Fee Schedule 


Transfer – $5,000 per application 

New or Expansion of Territory – $7,500 per application 


* All CON application fees will be deposited into a special checking account. These funds will be used to pay for application-related expenses. Any remaining funds, post CON vote/completion of actions, will be returned to the applicant. 

Regional ALS Agency Application


Click here to Read REMAC Advisory 02-2019


As outlined in 02-2019, to apply for new authority or renew current authority, agency leadership must submit a copy of the agency’s NYS DOH BEMS Ambulance Operating Certificate application (include all attachments) to the Mountain Lakes office. You may email to, fax to 315-755-2022, or mail to FDRHPO EMS Program Agency, 120 Washington Street, Suite 230, Watertown, NY 13601. The agency must also include the following documents:


  • Current NYS DOH BEMSTS Operating Certificate

  • Current NYS DOH Controlled Substance License (if applicable)

  • Copy of agency coverage schedules (current, and past 3 months,) a written explanation, and any call statistics you’d like the REMAC to consider.

  • Insurance certificate which shows a minimum of one million dollars medical malpractice insurance, one million dollars general liability, and appropriate vehicle coverage.

  • Signed Agency Medical Director Endorsement Form (Located below)

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