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Congressional Support Needed on Key EMS Legislation

Message from NAEMT - Advocacy Alert

Congressional Support Needed on Key EMS Legislation

Please send an email to your members of Congress encouraging them to support EMS by supporting the following legislation. Their support will help move the legislation to final passage. It only takes 30 seconds to send an email and ask your members of Congress to become leaders for EMS. The Online Legislative Service will do all the work for you.

SIREN Grants (Rural EMS Training and Equipment Assistance, REMSTEA, grants)  

Support $32 million in FY2025 to fund SIREN grants 

Cosponsor H.R. 4646, the SIREN Reauthorization Act  

Cosponsor H.R. 8042, the Community Paramedicine Act 

Cosponsor the Improving Access to Emergency Medical Services Act

Cosponsor S. 3236/H.R. 6257, the Emergency Medical Services Reimbursement for On-scene Care and Support Act (EMS ROCS)

Cosponsor H.R. 1666/S. 1673, the Protecting Access to Ground Ambulance Medical Services Act 

Thank you for helping to advance the EMS profession!

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